We deliver in C.O.D., price regulations of supply up to the goods delivery.
Our company takes over all customs regulations. Insurance policies are settled upon clients’ request.
We draw up as additional insurance policies to complete the ones regularly subscribed by our company covering the goods.
We are able to meet all your demands, our main object: efficiency in organisation and punctuality.


Our company organises the gathering, sorting and goods departure thanks to a specialized staff, either great lots or single package.
We are equipped of a storehouse to stock and handle goods, with proper equipments to load and unload.
All goods are integrated in a distribution program in order to give the best answer to our client requirements.


Our clients benefit of a great storehouse where goods are kept until their delivery date, thus ensuring a suitable storage. A qualified staff is in charge of storage, able to handle stored goods.


Our consolidated experience in this field allows us to propose gathering and distribution service all over the world thanks to our means of transport and partnerships with other reliable companies.
Due to regular departures we ensure fast and frequent deliveries. The deliveries can be constantly controlled and monitored.